Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Take a peek

I think it's the easiest methodology ever, and the one we most often forget.
Before you start drawing anything, even before sketching, and I would even argue even before thinking... do your research, do a little competitive analysis, look at what has been done in the field. What is the common solution for that. What are the design patterns mostly used for that. Take a look. Look around.
After that, start thinking, and make sure your solution is equal or better than that.
Easy right? ;)

Friday, February 20, 2015


What's the best way to start your day?, what routine do you have?.
I wake up everyday at around 7am. I get dress. I leave home. I read on my way to the office. I get to the office. I write a small post. I check e-mails. I make my self a coffee. I start working on whatever I need to do. Some days I change that with some exercise and meditation.
That's it.
But for me... I think what really get's me started, is talking to people. I could be half the morning working, and I'll be sleepy, but if I have half an hour with a college and we talk about nothing... that's it, I'm up!
Charging energy through talking to people. That's me.   

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The power of layout

There is just a beautiful sound and taste to the organization of information.
In the past few years, my job has become more about presenting information than designing interphases. I find my self designing presentations and making decisions on what to show, what not to show and how to show it.
At the beginning I thought it was a boring task, and I didn't see the point. Now I think it's a tremendous creative challenge. To create the right script, for the right audience, to communicate the right thing in the right proportion with the right layout, it's... complicated to say the least.
And I love it, now I love it, and I get a kick out of every presentation I have to create.
I think it's the "communication" side of it, to be able to consolidate a thought into one screen that is readable and clear.... that is exciting!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Let go

Today I have to let go someone from the team, in a little while actually...
I don't like it.
I mean.... I know I made a good decision, I know I follow the right process, and I know it's the best for the studio and the growth of the team, but.... I don't like it, I don't like to face the situation, I don't like to push him in that direction.
I understand that sometimes this kind of decisions comes in place, and that it's needed to achieve a goal... but man.... it's hard.

He'll have a worst day than I will, so.... step it up!
Be brave.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I'm busy

I have to do many things today, I have to get done proposals, and reports, and pitch concepts and meet clients.
I am busy. I have my list, the first thing I need to get done is one proposal.
On with it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The internet of relevant things PART II

This is the thing, technology is growing and will keep on growing, that is a given, and that is good, it allows us to create new things, to make new solutions, to explore new behaviors, it's truly amazing.
Now, for us designers, it is also a challenge. We need to understand the limits and potential of that technology and choose how to use it.... and that is the key... how to use it.
Repetition of the same solution with a small variation is part of what we do... I get it, but... isn't it annoying?, and I understand, market share makes it possible for those products to exists, that is also truth, and that is fine, but what worries me the most is the fact that we call "smart" to objects that can hear or see or speak.... we well know that having that abilities does not make you smart, at all.

We don't need smart objects, we need relevant objects. Objects that respond to a particular context in a unique and relevant way, we need objects and ecosystem that compliment our habits and explote our capacities. We don't need objects that can hear us, we need objects that can interpret. We don't need object that can search, we need objects that have opinion.

We still have time till we see relevant things all around us, and we still have time until we don't see irrelevant things all around us, but wouldn't it be more fluid to only have relevant things?.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Internet of relevant things

I mean, I'm all up for technology development, believe me, but enough is enough... how many more tracking sporty wrist bands do we have to see?. This one measures your blood pressure, this one too, and this other one your heart beats, this one too, this one is black, and this one is grey.
Come on!
The fact that you can measure somethings doesn't make it relevant. We need to make those tools "relevant" not smarter... we need to push for the internet of relevant things in stead of "smart" things.

This has just started a couple of years ago, and I'm already tired of it.
No more smart bands please... let's make something relevant.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

What do you expect of me?

It's hard to meat the expectations of others, it's difficult, it usually is a frustration filled path, and this is usually the case, mostly cause we often don't talk about expectations before we start working, and that is bad... very bad.

It's very important to talk about what the other is expecting, not necessarily to meet the expectations, but to set the expectation, if the other has a wrong impression of how we will work, or what we will do, that will affect hugely the perception of our work.

It's very important to set the expectation of the work before we start presenting, stating clearly what you are going to present, how you are doing it and what was the intention of your work.

In my experience, I've seen amazing designers being brutally critiqued just because the expectations of the work were not set correctly. That is just not worth going through.

Take the time to set the expectations, it's so worth it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Inspiration is in the move

You know that law that says that a moving objects tends to stay in motion? I find the same with inspiration and solutions. They tend to keep coming as long as I'm moving, as long as I'm busy planning, thinking, solving, designing.

I find it hard to come up with a solution, or a plan, when I'm bored, or just laying down and doing nothing. It's when I start moving that everything starts to flow and ideas and solutions begin to appear.

It's true, this is not a generar rule, we are all different and moments of inspiration happen in many different contexts, and depending on your personality you might have a tendency to be more productive in different ambients, but, having said that, there is one thing that we can all agree: Movement brings movement, ideas bring ideas, solutions bring.. well... problems... and they bring solutions.

As long as we keep moving, more things will happen, and more things we'll do.
Keep moving! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Inspiration comes and goes

I was just talking with a fellow designer, about a book that a read a few years ago "Rocket Surgery Made Easy" by Steve Krug.
That book for me changed everything. Not because it had information I didn't know, or because it gave me a piece of knowledge that was obscure and hidden, but because it inspired me. Steve Krug spoke to me in such a simple and effortless way about usability and user observation that for me that translated into pure inspiration. After reading that book I came out decided to change the way we were doing things in my team, decided to orient our practice into more simple and result driven way of doing things.
That book ment a lot for me, it inspired me to change.
After that first impulse, and after the first round of not that successful results, inspiration went away, and that is when decision took place. We have decided to change, We made a decision to change, and everything was oriented to that, our every action was in that direction. So, when inspiration left the room, all we had were decisions, and that kept us in the track.

Inspiration comes and goes, and the best thing we can do is to make sure than when inspiration leaves, we have a good set of decisions in the right place. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

The future is very similar to the past

A few weeks ago Adobe release a video called "the future of creative applications". It's one of those "vision" videos that shows you how the world is going to be, and in this case, how the design tool scenario is going to be. To be honest, I believe it's not that far away. The tools that they show are amazing, extremely creative and very technological, they are truly advanced.
Most of those new tool have one tendency, to free you from "devices" and allow you to design with your hands, your tools, and I think that is a huge step back... and that is good!

We need to go back to using our hands, our motion, our limbs as part of the design process. This posture of sitting down, moving only our hands (and in a very minimal way) has restrict us to work in the way the machine needs us to work. It's time for a change, it's time for the future to look a lot like the past again. To enhance our natural capacities and not to restrict them into a machine-driven-shape.

Using our body, being able to move around to design, to bring gesture to our movements will make our work more organic, more intuitive, more holistic.
I truly believe that the future should look a lot like the past in the ways the artists moved in order to create art, and technology should be there to enhance human behavior.
It's an exciting time, looking forward to it.